Women invest their values with Janine Firpo

The Babblery
The Babblery
Women invest their values with Janine Firpo

“In the next six years, one of the biggest wealth transfers this country has ever seen is happening. And by 2030, women are going to control $30 trillion in this economy.”

Janine Firpo

Many of us find trips to new places inspiring. For Janine Firpo, what started with a getaway led to a career change which evolved into a whole new way of living.

Firpo is the author of Activate Your Money: Invest to Grow Your Wealth and Build a Better World and co-founder of Invest for Better, a nonprofit that leads women to learn more about impact investing.

What exactly is impact investing? In this episode, Janine leads us through her own transformation and learning path. Her experience helps us better understand why we all, no matter how small our investments, are making choices about whether our money works for or against our values. The episode also highlights the experiences of three women who were educated through Invest for Better’s learning circles. These three women realized that their money was working at cross-purposes with their philanthropy. They made changes to make sure that every cent they invest, whether in a CD, a stock, or a private business, helps to support the values they live in their lives.

“If you’re the kind of person that cares about homelessness, you probably also care about our climate, you probably also care about the environment, growing income inequality, quality of education in this country, racial equity, gender equity, queer rights—you know, all of those things, they’re tied together.”

Genet Gimja

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Janine Firpo is a seasoned values-aligned investor and social innovator, with a long history of working at the intersection of women and their money. In 2017 she left a successful 35-year career in technology and international development to focus on how women can create a more just and equitable society through their financial investments. Her book, Activate Your Money: Invest to Grow Your Wealth and Build a Better World, was published in May 2021 by Wiley. Later that year, Janine co-founded Invest for Better, a non-profit organization that helps women invest their money in ways that align with their values. Janine walks her talk. She is taking action to move all her own assets into investments she feels good about and is watching them grow with market-rate returns.

Ashima Aggarwal is an intellectual property lawyer and litigator who most recently worked at the academic publishing company Wiley where she delivered legal support and oversaw risk management activities as general counsel for Wiley’s Education businesses. Ashima Aggarwal is the Board Chair at the nonprofits arts organization The Laundromat Project and board member at Tatter, a textiles library. Ashima is a voracious reader who loves sharing book reviews and recommendations and enjoys baking and wandering the streets of NYC.

Genet “GG” Gimja is the host of the Progressive Pockets podcast. On it, she responds to listener letters and provides practical suggestions on how to shop, bank, invest, and donate in a way that better reflects our deeply held societal beliefs regarding climate change, poverty, gender and racial inequity. In every conversation with listeners, GG incorporates lessons from her twenty years as a consultant and educator in the private and public sectors as well as her lived experiences as a first-generation American and refugee by way of Eritrea. GG has lived and worked in Africa, Europe and South America, although she considers Washington D.C. to be home. In her spare time, GG is a voracious reader, frequent host of dinner parties, and occasional writer of short stories.

After working for more than a decade in public interest law, Mary Hawkins left the legal field to raise two sons, care for aging parents, and serve on the board of a family-owned business. Her strong desire to have a positive impact on the world never faded and she recently began to dedicate her time to philanthropy and impact investing. Over the past five years with the help of The Philanthropic Initiative and through membership in NEID Global, Mary and her husband, David, have awarded more than thirty multi-year grants from their Donor Advised Fund, mostly to small locally led grassroots organizations focused on the environment, climate justice, and racial/economic justice.

Thanks to Janine Firpo, Genet Gimja, Ashima Aggarwal, and Mary Hawkins for sharing their time and wisdom for this episode.

Pinky” by Steviasphere on Bandcamp is from You’re My Toy, Literally, 2023.

Photo by Katt Yukawa on Unsplash.

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