Minibabble: Women make an impact with their dollars

The Babblery
The Babblery
Minibabble: Women make an impact with their dollars

Women’s relationship with money isn’t developed in a vacuum. “It’s historic,” says Janine Firpo. “It’s baked into how we have been acculturated as women.”

In this short episode based on the full-length “Women invest their values with Janine Firpo,” Janine talks about the changes that women have gone through in the last generation. When she was young, she wasn’t allowed to open a bank account without a male co-signer. Now, women are flexing their economic muscles by investing their money in ways that benefit the causes they care about.

“I was thinking about what is my role in my community and what is my role in this world beyond the work that I’m doing, the family that I’m raising,” says Ashima Aggarwal, who took part in a learning circle formed by Janine’s organization, Invest for Better. “My values are really to do what I can to support the communities that I’m a part of in whatever way I can, with my time, with my energy, with my financial resources, whatever that might be.”

The change in women’s relationships with their money is poised to make an enormous difference in the way money is invested around the world.

“In the next six years, there’s one of the biggest wealth transfers this country has ever seen is happening,” Janine explains. “And by 2030, women are going to control 30 trillion in this economy. So we have incredible power and potential that we have never had before. And I really want to see us step up into that power.”

For more information:

To see links and resources for this episode, please visit “Women invest their values with Janine Firpo.”

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