A transgender elder reflects on the election
I spoke to Stephanie Jacobs for the first time on the phone. It wasn’t until we’d spoken for a while about politics and elections and her career that she casually slipped in her killer line… which I’ll let you listen to instead of giving it away.
I was particularly struck by the way that Steph leads with her knowledge, experience, and thoughtful analysis. Her identity informs all of this, but she doesn’t focus on it. Other people, however, focus on her identity with a particular slant.
“One of the least attractive parts of the Trump campaign has been the demonization of people in the LGBTQ and particularly the trans community,” Steph explains.
In this mini-version of the full episode, we focus in on Steph’s experience as a transgender person, and how her transition, at the age of 67, has informed her view of society and politics.
“Not to stand on my soapbox, but transgendered people just want to be their authentic self. And it took me a long time to reach that point where I was either brave enough to want to be that person or I was desperate enough to renounce white male privilege and say that the thing I can’t live with is regretting a decision that I felt too timid to make.”
For more information: Access links in the notes for “This dysfunctional town square” with TV producer Stephanie Jacobs.
- “Blue” by Komiku on Loyalty Freak Music.
- “American Song” by Maya Solovey on Bandcamp.