How to submit a recording to the Babblery

You should be viewing this page as a contributor to the Babblery. If you stumbled here without connecting with us first, please contact us!

Record your segment

Make a short recording on any device:

What to say:

  • First, state your name, profession, and place of residence. Please use a pseudonym if you’d like to stay anonymous.
  • Then, speak for up to the requested amount of time on the proposed topic.
  • Don’t worry about making mistakes—just pause and start your sentence again and we can edit it out. Speak naturally!

Share your recording

Share a link to the recording with How?

  • If you record on your device, choose “share”* or “share a link” then your cloud-sharing service such as iCloud, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, etc.
  • If you use the tool, choose SAVE then COPY LINK. Email the link.
  • If you use Facebook Messenger, I will get a notification. Ping me again if I don’t respond.
  • Please do not email sound files, just a link. Thanks!

The “share” icon for iPhone or Mac looks like a box with an arrow pointing up:

The “share” icon for Android or PC looks like three connected knobs:

Questions? Email us!