An Economy of Our Own with Rickey Gard Diamond

The Babblery
An Economy of Our Own with Rickey Gard Diamond

Rickey Gard Diamond, author of a book on personal economics for women, Screwnomics, got her first education in economics at a welfare office. It was the 1970s, and newly divorced, she just couldn’t make ends meet. She thought it was her fault.

Since then, however, Rickey has made a study of how our economy works—and doesn’t work—for women and people of color. She started an organization, An Economy of Our Own, to bring together people who are working to address inequity. And they’re not just doing it by putting fixes on top of our system. They’re questioning the system from the bottom up.

In this episode, we talk about the origin of the disconnect between economic indicators and our household realities. Women operate in an economy that was designed to ignore and devalue much of the work we provide. Rickey describes our economic system not as an inevitable fact, but instead as a story to be retold with all people in mind. 

“If you’re not doing well, it must be because you’re not managing your money very well. There’s something wrong with you! That kind of thinking affected me when I was a divorced mom with three kids. I had $50 a month in child support and I still could not make my budget add up.”

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About The Babblery:

The Babblery features conversations with and about women in the 21st century. In each episode, we explore how our physical and social gender informs our experiences at work, at home, and in the wider world. Rather than focusing on issues, we focus on lives: working, parenting, playing, voting, advocating, and creating as women. Visit The Babblery at The Babblery is produced by Suki Wessling with support from KSQD.

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