Podcast: The Babblery

Exactly Who We Are: The Portraiture of Jana Marcus

What happens when a photographer, a mature woman herself, welcomes older women into her studio to get the “full glamour treatment”? In this episode, we explore how a session with photographer Jana Marcus inspired and thrilled the women who took part. Even though beauty is supposed to be a superficial attribute, seeing themselves as beautiful, strong, and desirable had a deep and lasting effect on these women.

Minibabble: Trying not to do damage: Bettina Aptheker on a pivotal moment in the Free Speech Movement

The 1960s is well-known as a turbulent time, but in this memory, Bettina revisits a scene that was particularly influential in years to come. The Student Free Speech Movement has served as a template for protests by young people since, from the Vietnam War to Black Lives Matter. In this memory, feminist scholar Bettina Aptheker reflects on how a fact of her upbringing led her to stand on a police car at a rally, in a scene reminiscent of fact and fiction that took place later.

Minibabble: Herp Women Publish a Book

Herpetology is a science with a dubious distinction. It is one of the least diverse professions, especially in terms of gender. Our guests on this episode noticed their own uniqueness. In fact, it was often pointed out to them how unusual they were. But they also noticed the special bonds they formed with their female colleagues around the world. So one day, they set out to do something about it. The result is a book, Women in Herpetology, 50 Stories from Around the World.

The Science of Connection: Global Women in Herpetology

The Global Women in Herpetology Project culminated in the book, Women in Herpetology, 50 Stories from Around the World. But the effect on the women who took part was much more profound than a simple book. In this episode of The Babblery, two founders of the organization and one of the authors speak about the project that connected them to so many of the women around the world who practice this unusual profession.

An Economy of Our Own with Rickey Gard Diamond

In this episode, we talk about the origin of the disconnect between economic indicators and our household realities. Women operate in an economy that was designed to ignore and devalue much of the work we provide. Rickey describes our economic system not as an inevitable fact, but instead as a story to be retold with all people in mind.Â