Tag: feminist

Minibabble: Extraordinary creatures

What do women see when we look at our culture looking at women? This sounds circular, but it is the way that many mature women see ourselves. When we look in a mirror, we don’t see light bouncing off our faces and bodies and reflecting back from a smooth surface. We see the cultural experience of seeing ourselves as women. In this Minibabble, women talk about the experience of being looked at as they look at themselves.

Giving Birth to her Heart

What happens when women feel open to telling their stories, even when they aren’t professional writers? When writer Julia Nusbaum was a graduate student, the course of her life changed in answer to this question.

This episode features an in-depth exploration of women’s storytelling, from talking about the roots of Julia’s business, Herstry, to the reasons why women still need a space—a brave space—in which to share their stories with each other.