Babblery: Same Name, New Mission for 2023

The Babblery
Babblery: Same Name, New Mission for 2023

When I tell people I have a podcast, the most common first question is, “What’s it about?”

That I couldn’t answer that question says a lot about me. I’ve never been a person with a single passion. I’m interested in pretty much everything (except perhaps football), and my topics ranged from California recycling laws to nurturing the arts in small towns.

But I take criticism seriously, and not being able to describe a podcast is a pretty serious problem. So I gave some thought to which topic would cover all my varied interests, but with a perspective that would give listeners something to balance on. I came up with some ideas and bounced them off various people whose opinions I value. They were all in agreement. In the words of writer Patrice Vecchione, “Oh, definitely that one—I can hear your voice light up when you explain it.”

The Babblery Will Explore Women’s Lives

I very definitely didn’t want do a women’s issues podcast. I feel that when you start with the issue and then move to the people, you only get a slice of the life that you’re exploring. Instead, I wanted to start with women’s lives. In everything we do, women bring a perspective informed by our experiences with physical and social gender, and that’s fertile ground for exploration.

Drumroll, please (or maybe just some babbling):

Introducing The Babblery!

The Babblery features conversations with and about women in the 21st century. In each episode, my guests and I explore their experiences as women, discussing how our physical and social gender informs our experiences at work, at home, and in the wider world. Rather than focusing on issues, we focus on lives: working, parenting, playing, voting, advocating, and creating as women.

Welcome to the Babblery: working, parenting, playing, voting, advocating, and creating as women.

The Babblery would not exist if not for the support of the great folks at KSQD.

Photo by Vlad Tchompalov on Unsplash.

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